Welcome to the Secret Mission: Portfolio Unlock!

Hi Yigido.

This is your portfolio mission. The goal is to design and build your own portfolio website. You will use Webflow and Figma to do this. There are 7 steps to complete this mission. You will find all the information you need below.

You have ? days ? hours ? minutes ? seconds to complete it. Better get started now. Good luck!

🔧 Secret Agent Tools
✅ Steps to Get It Done ✅

Step 1: Start Learning

You will find a new course on your Udemy account. This course will teach you how to use Webflow and Figma to create your own portfolio website. This course is a bit outdated but it will give you a good idea of how to use Webflow and Figma together.

Step 2: Get to Know the New Figma Plugin

Learn how the Figma -> Webflow Plugin works. It’s a handy tool that makes transferring designs super easy. This video might be a good start.

Step 3: Look for Awesome Designs

Search for the best portfolio designs you can find. Check out websites like Behance and Dribbble. Take screenshots of the designs you like and save them in a folder.

Step 4: Create a Moodboard

Take all the great designs you found and make a moodboard. It’ll help you come up with ideas for your own design.

Step 5: Make Your Portfolio

Use Figma to create your portfolio design. Your moodboard will help inspire you.

Step 6: Build a Working Site

Use the Figma to Webflow Plugin to turn your design into a working website. This is the fun part! Also, you need to create a Dribble account and upload your design there.

Step 7: Call Ubi

Well, that's it. Now call your ubi, he knows what to do.

🚀 Let’s do this!


Remember that there is always going to be a new mission waiting for you.